
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Happens When You Ignore God's WARNINGS


  1. tell that to those disciples & believers were with Jesus 2,000 yra ago when Jesus said he will come in the glory in the clouds. well, all these were long dead. where was any warning before Jesus was born? what abt tos 5 earliest civilizations existed prior to the birth of Jesus? human roamed this earth 1000s of yrs b4 jesus was even born. whats also funny is according to the Old Testament Jehovah stated very clearly that he will not dwell in human flesh or dwell on earth (tats why Judaism redicules Christianity for Bible authenticity).

    jehovah, aka Jesus, dwells in where? DONT think of any1 against anyone's belief. Scripture criticism brings out ACCOUNTABILITY for tos who claim certain things. anyone who criticizes the contradictions in the bible, not bcoz he makes it up, but what was written and being claimed by xtians. it has to b viable & trusted, after all, we quote from the same source. 1 Kings 8:12 Then spake Solomon, The LORD said that he would dwell in the thick darkness.

    Psalms 18:11 He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

    2Ch 6:1 Then said Solomon, The LORD hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness.

  2. what the Church doesnt tell u. Biblical Jewish author scholar, Schmuel Golding, in his “Biblical Polemics” newsletter on page 23, states, “Constantine an unbaptized pagan, convened the Council of Nicea in the year of 325 in order to settle these disputes. A major issue was the nature of deity they worshipped. Based upon their decisions Jesus was changed from a man to God in the flesh, the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday, the Passover was changed to Easter…. And the NT was canonized as a Holy Book.” In 325AD, Constantin the Great was politically weak, Jesus the man was LIFTed/raised to "God" due to political pressure from the church. Prior to tis date, Jesus didnt exist at all. No one knows Jesus has a Last name or if he has a last name. "Christ" is "Krishna" borrowed from Hinduism. no different from the doctrines, salvation, story etc in Gospel of Jesus were copied from Hinduism.

    Beginning on page 500 Remsberg says that according to mythology, "Krishna was the eighth Vatar or incarnation of the god Vishnu, one of the Hindoo Trinity. In this incarnation Vishnu, it is said, appeared in all the fullness of his power and glory. His mother was Devaki. He is believed to be an historical character, but his real history, like that of Jesus, is almost entirely obscured by myths. He lived from 900 to 1,200 years before the Christian era. The story of his life is to be found in the Bhagavat.....
    The points of resemblance between Krishna and Christ that have been printed would fill a volume. Some of these are apocryphal, and not confirmed by the canonical scriptures of India. The limits of this chapter preclude an extended list even of the undoubtedly genuine. I shall confine myself chiefly to a presentation of the most important ones relating to their births.
    These, according to the Christian translator of the Bhagavat, Rev. Thomas Maurice, are as follows:
    (1) Both were miraculously conceived;
    (2) Both were divine incarnations;
    (3) Both were of royal descent;
    (4) Devatas or angels sang songs of praise at the birth of each;
    (5) Both were visited by neighboring shepherds;
    (6) In both cases the reigning monarch, fearing he would be supplanted in his kingdom by the divine child, sought to destroy him;
    (7) Both were saved by friends who fled with them in the night to distant countries;
    (8) And foiled in their attempts to discover the babes, both of the babes kings issued decrees that all the infants should be put to death."

  3. continues from excerpt, "Remsberg goes on to say that, "The subsequent careers of these deities are also analogous in many respects. Their missions were the same--the salvation of mankind. Both performed miracles--healed the sick and raised the dead. Both died for man by man. There is a tradition, though not to be found in the Hindoo scriptures, that Krishna, like Christ, was crucified.
    Various incidents recorded in the life of Christ were doubtless suggested by similar incidents in the life of Krishna. He washed the feet of his disciples because Krishna had washed the feet of the Brahmins. He taught his disciples the possibility of moving a mountain, because Krishna, to protect his worshipers from the wrath of Indra, raised Mount Goverdhen above them...."
    Remsberg continues on page 502 by saying, "McClintock and Strongs Cyclopedia notes the following events in the history of Krishna which correspond with those related of Christ: That he was miraculously born at midnight of a human mother, and saluted by a chorus of Devatas (angels); that he was cradled among cowherds,...he was persecuted by the giant Kansa, and saved by his mothers flight; the miracles with which his life abounds, among which were the raising of the dead and the cleansing of the leprous.
    The celebrated missionary and traveler, Pere Huc, who made a journey of several thousand miles through China and Thibet, says: 'If we addressed a Mogul or Thibetan with this question, Who is Krishna? The reply was instantly, The savior of men.'
    'All that converting the Hindus to Christianity does for them, says Robert Cheyne, is to change the object of worship from Krishna to Christ.'
    Of Krishna's gospel, the Bhagavad-Gita, Appleton's Cyclopedia says, 'Its correspondence with the New Testament is indeed striking'."

    cont. Remsberg continues by saying, "Its admitted by Christian scholars that Krishna lived many centuries before Christ. To admit the priority of the Krishna legends is to deny, to this extent, the originality of the Gospels. In order to break the force of the logical conclusion to be drawn from this, some argue that while Krishna himself antedated Christ, the legends concerning him are of later origin and borrowed from the Evangelists. Regarding this contention Judge Waite, in his History of the Christian Religion says, 'Here then, we have the older religion and the older god. This, in the absence of any evidence on the other side, ought to settle the question. To assume without evidence that the older religion has been interpolated from the later, and that the legends of the older hero have been made to conform to the history of a later character, is worse than illogical--it is absurd'."
    Remsberg continues by quoting Sir William Jones, one of the best Christian authorities on Sanskrit literature, and the translator of the Bhagavad-Gita who says, "That the name of Krishna, and the general outline of his history were long anterior to the birth of our Savior, and probably to the time of Homer, we know very certainly.' (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 1, page 254).
    And Remsberg concludes by saying, "The parallels between Krishna and Christ to be found in the Hindoo scriptures and the Christian gospels are too numerous and too exact to be accidental. The legends of the one were borrowed from the other." And it does not require vast intellect to determine who borrowed from whom. Next months issue will conclude our discussion of the striking similarity between the lives of Jesus and prior alleged religious saviors.

  4. Hinduism existed 1000s of years before the birth of Jesus. It does not take one iota of brain cell to know which religion borrowed from which. ofcoz modern men r more intellectual, discerning & not gullible.

    ‎"...according to the Christian translator of the Bhagavat, Rev. Thomas Maurice,..." Rev Muarice, he separates Facts from Belief, and report according to his translation. Unthinking men will say he is antichrist (whatever opposite to xtianity is antichrist per se, anyway so ignore them). If Freewill & Free Press r available to all, Xtians would suppress the contradictory facts, just like Bishop Eusebius, Pope Pius or St. Paul do ... lie. ofcoz, to detoxify whats being indoctrinated deep in the pyche, esp religion, is NO simple easy way to do.
