
Monday, September 24, 2012

White House ignoring Iranian threat?

9/25/2012 -- Bayou Corne, LA -- White House Petition for Federal Help

Apocalyptic Extremes (playlist)

Iranian General threatens to attack America if Israel strikes WW3 Sept 2...

9-11, Stealth Jihad & Obama book Trailer

Ahmadinejad on race and religion

US intelligence epic fail in Libya

Appeasement in the Middle East: Is Obama's Policy of Weakness to Blame f...

SpaceX 'Grasshopper' Rocket Takes 1st Test Hop | Video

Fractured State

Increíble video 2 Barcos de pesca en los mares muy agitados

"Israel, Now or Never"

Solar Max Marked By Stunning Aurora Over Sweden | Video

Video: Muslims in Greece tear-gassed in Mohammed film & cartoon protest

The Philippines' Geographic Challenge

1,000 Pound "Hail" Stone Falls From The Sky?

Obama Administration & Iranian Regime Deliver Same Message on Muslim Rage

Prophecy in the News: Noisy Consultation

188 Day Quake Cycle Due September 25, 2012!!!

Most incredible volcano expedition ever 2012 - the full version

120924 - Fake Gold and Derivatives

Iran threatens Pre-emptive Strike on Israel/Warns conflict will lead to ...

2MIN News Sept 24, 2012: MIMIC Anomaly

Stalemate in Damascus

Deadly gunbattle near Israel and Egypt border